From Steve Gold's Information Bulletin (6.6.11):
180,000 Housing Voucher Turnovers and Transitioning People Out of Institutions
Nationally, in 2010, about 9 percent of nearly 2 million Housing Choice Vouchers (a/k/a Section 8 vouchers) are "turned over" each year. In HUD parlance, these are classified as an"attrition rate."
Public Housing Authorities throughout the country, therefore, have "turned over" Housing Choice Vouchers available to issue to people who have previously applied for vouchers but were placed on a "waiting list."
Please be aware that some Housing Authorities may not be able to immediately reissue all vouchers as they turnover. PHAs must manage their program with the funding that is available, which may precludethem from immediately reissuing all vouchers upon turnover.
As you know, because there are long "waiting lists" for these vouchers, many advocates understandably are discouraged with the length of time people must wait until a voucher becomes available.
However, it's very important to remember that these "waiting lists" do move nationally by about 9 percent a year. Some Housing Authorities had 20
- 40 % turnover rate. (Please note turnover data was not available for about 25 "Moving to Work" Housing Authorities, many of which are the large Housing Authorities.)
But a 9% turnover rate means, nationally, there are at least (remember the big MTW authorities are not even included) about 180,000 vouchers potentially available to be issued to people who are on a waiting lists.
It's also important to remember that each Housing Authority may establish preferences for admission to their voucher program. If they do so, they must list the "preferences" for their vouchers in their Section 8 Administrative Plan, which is publicly available. "Preferences" mean exactly what you think. Some categories of people go to the top of the waiting list and others do not.
"Preferences" are supposed to reflect housing "needs" in your community.
In Information Bulletin # 329 (4/4/2011), we summarized the national HUD report entitled "Worst Case Housing Needs of People with Disabilities."
>>>To see the HUD report and To Comment...
This Worst Case report does not include persons who are institutionalized in nursing homes, ICFs or Mental Institutions. Advocates know there are many people institutionalized solely because they cannot afford to pay for housing in the community. The nursing home is the Poorhouse of the 21st Century.
What advocates should do:
Advocates for older and disabled Americans should use the HUD "Worst Case" report as a basis for establishing your local "Worst Case Housing Needs of People with Disabilities" in your specific county or city.
Obviously, you must include people who are institutionalized to show that persons in institutions are the Worst of the Worst Cases.
You can now approach your Housing Authorities, persuade them that institutionalized people must be give the highest Preference or at the least a certain number of new admissions each year that will be given preference.
Demand that a certain number of Housing Voucher "turn overs"/ "attrition rates" be used to transition people out of these institutions.
Remember, that annually Housing Authorities must write an Annual Plan which is then submitted as part of a Consolidated Plan. These are supposed to reflect housing needs.
Does your Housing Authority (including the 25 MTW authorities) give a "preference" for persons with disabilities who are in institutionalized because they cannot afford to live in the community? Does it even list these people as having a "need."? Have you met with your Housing Authority officials to discuss revising their Voucher "preferences" so that people with disabilities in institutions become a high preference?
Have you discussed potentially use these Vouchers so that people with disabilities could leave the institution?
What about discussing this option with your State Money Follows the Person officials? With your Medicaid officials? With your Governor's office which wants desperately to save general revenue funds?
-Steve Gold, The Disability Odyssey continues
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