via Time Magazine (6.7.11):
Why So Much Abuse Is Allowed to Continue in Residential Care
by Maia Szalavitz
The stories are beyond horrifying: an autistic boy crushed to death by a "restraint" gone awry; a disabled woman's diaper pulled aside as she is raped; an elderly woman left to lie on a urine-soaked box spring for six days after being beaten.
In two of the nation's largest states, major media investigations this spring revealed hellish conditions in institutions for the disabled: The New York Times exposed ongoing violations, including physical and psychological abuse, in state-run homes for the developmentally disabled, while the Miami Herald uncovered similar tales of maltreatment and neglect in assisted-living homes for the elderly...
How do you feel that institutional living settings increase PWD's vulnerability? How can these abuses of power be prevented? Please share your thoughts in comments below.
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